Hotel hygiene

Hotel hygiene and its standards

Principles of hotel hygiene One of the most important points in choosing a hotel for travelers is the safety and health that travelers expect during their stay. Hotel management should always be well aware of the principles of hotel hygiene and provide a pleasant and safe stay for their customers. to provide Hotel hygiene includes […]

Hotel security

Hotel security and its necessities

Hotel security security in hotel is vital for hotel owners. Hotel management must provide many security measures for the safety and comfort of travelers and protect customers from any unpleasant incidents of theft and other threats. In today’s world, providing hotel security has become a big challenge. This article examines the challenges and possible solutions […]

History of the hotels

History and general information about the hotel

History of the hotel The history of the hotel goes back many years, and since the past there have always been places for travelers to stay, but these places were initially in the form of houses, caravanserais, and residences, until they became the modern form of hotels. Here we intend to give a brief explanation […]

Luxury hotel

Features of luxury hotels

Luxury hotels To be considered a luxury hotel, it must have many factors. These hotels have many luxury facilities and services. They are usually located in strategic locations with unique views. They also have restaurants with luxury food and even the behavior of the staff is different. Features of luxury hotels Unique design and decoration […]

hotel selection

Hotel selection guide

Hotel selection One of the most important parts that we have to plan for in a trip is our accommodation. Choosing a hotel as a place to stay is one of the best options in front of us. But there are many factors in choosing a hotel that each person should check based on their […]


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